Monday 13 June 2011

Yun CMV + Bonus Genei Jin Combos

Full Transcript...

1. (vs Abel) Lv3. FA, cr. MP, Target combo (LP-LK-MP)xx EX Shoulder xx FADC, target combo (LP-LK-MP) xx EX lunge punch, L-lunge punch

2. (vs oni) Lv3. FA, H/M-Palm (hits meaty), st. HK, EX-Shoulder

3. (vs oni) Lv3. FA, H/M-Palm (hits meaty), EX-Palm, EX-Upkicks

4. (vs Boxer) Lv3. FA, Target combo (MP-HP-b+HP) xx FADC, st. MK, EX-Upkicks

5. (vs Blanka) j. mk, cr. MP, cr. MP, cr. MP, cr. MK xx L-Shoulder xx Super, cr. MK, st. HP, dash, cr. MK, st. HP, dash, cr. LK, cr. MK, st. HP, dash, cr. MK, st. HP, dash, cr. LK, cr. MK, st. HP, dash, cr. MK, st. HP, dash, cr. LK, cr. MK, st. HP, dash, cr. LK, cr. MP, cr. MK, st. HP, dash, st, LP, st. LP, st. LP, st. MP xx H-Upkicks

6. (vs Makoto) Ultra 1, L-Shoulder xx super

7. (vs Evil Ryu) Anti-air Lv3. FA, H-Shoulder xx Super, [M-Shoulder]x9, L-Lunge punch, Ultra 1

8. (vs Dhalsim) st. MK xx jump, M-divekick (whiff), st. MK xx jump, L-divekick, L-Shoulder, cr. MP, cr. MP, st. MP, M-Lungepunch xx FADC

9. (vs Dudley) Lv3. FA, cr. MP, st. MP, EX-Lungepunch xx FADC, st. LP, st. LP, st. LP, st. MP xx EX-Upkicks, L-lunge punch.

10. (vs DeeJay) j. HP, cr. MP, cr. MP, cr. MP, st. MP xx EX-Shoulder xx FADC, st. LP, cr. MP, cr. MP, st. MP xx EX-Shoulder, Ultra 1

11. (vs Fei) Command grab, Target combo (LP-LK-MP) xx L-shoulder xx Super, st. HP, dash, cr. LP, [st. HP, H-Divekick]x6, st. HP, st. HP, Ultra 2

12. (vs Boxer) j. HP, cr. MP, cr. MP, cr. MP, st. MP xx L-Shoulder xx Super, st. HP, [cr. MP, cr. MP, st. HP, dash]x6, cr. MP, cr. MP, cr. MP, st. MP xx L-upkicks (hits meaty), Ultra 1

13. (vs Seth) Lv.3 FA, EX-Palm, L-Shoulder, H-LunchBox

14. (vs Seth) [set-up, cr. HK], H-Palm (hits meaty), M-Palm, Ultra 1, Super, L-Lungepunch, H-Palm, H-Palm, L-Lungepunch, H-Palm, L-Lungepunch, H-Palm, H-Palm, L-Lungepunch, H-Palm

Bonus Genei-Jin Stuff

CMV: Crowded Street Remix 2 by desk
Bonus: Mikado Dreamtime chiptune remix by desk


  1. It's amazing to see what's possible in these combo videos. A very nice range from the showboaty to the practical. (FA3 backdash, palm, EX palm, EX upkicks does insane damage!)

    EX Palm in middle of screen -> LP shoulder -> HP lunge is also great. Would be cool if there were research on the hardest hitting combos though (including under Genei-Jin). But with the huge spotlight on Yun, surely those questions will be answered in due time!

  2. Yeah, I think after a focus mid-screen. That EX-Palm, shoulder, lunge is his most damaging option.

    Unfortunately his most difficult Genei-jin stuff is only very slightly more damaging than the standard B+B versions most of the time. Kind of disappointing that there's no real incentive for the technical stuff.
