Monday 9 May 2011

MvC3 Advanced. C.Viper 1

Kicking off a new series of MvC3 videos. Showing direct feed + Stick footage:

L -Seismo xx sj, airdash-down, st. H xx L -Seismo xx sj, airdash-down, st. H xx L -Seismo xx jump canceled snapback, cr. M, st. H, st. S (1 hit) xx L -Seismo xx sj, airdash-forward, j. H, j. S, st. S, sj. M-M-H, dj. M-H-S, L. Seismo xx Jump canceled S. Burning Kick , H. Thunder Knuckle (cancel on hit), sj. H-Burning Kick , [st. S (1 hit) EX. Seismo xx sj, airdash-down]x4, st. S (1 hit) xx H. Thunder Knuckle (cancel on hit), sj. H-Burning Kick , st. S *KO*


  1. This is cool man. When are you gonna make a X-23 combo video?

  2. X-23 will feature in the next DHC vid (on Monday). I'm not sure about a full video but here stance cancels are really fun and might make for a cool 'Advanced video'.

    Extra apologies for blogger messing up my transcription and rolling it back to an earlier version too. The was some rubbish problems happening over the last few days but hopefully it won't happen again.

  3. Hey just out of curiosity. Whats your stick button setup?

  4. I like to know if you left your stick button setup on default... I switched my L and S so all three L M H are the top three buttons....

  5. I use control type 'b'. Which I think is the standard. That means I have L-M-H across the top and S-A1-A2 across the bottom. The right most buttons are assigned to P2-Record+Playback.

  6. Aw... I wanted to see Laura's loops. The loops man, make it happen :)

  7. hey desk, I have one question for you, how do you do the jump canceled snapback as Viper???

  8. "You just put an up-frwd motion on the command. Like a tiger knee. This acts as the super jump but you cancel it into a special before leaving the ground"

    I had to post a similar explanation on another vid:)

    So the input is [down, down-forward, forward, up-forward+Assist]

  9. Hi desk , what the song in the vid ? :)
