Thursday, 17 May 2012

CaD No.1 Julia + Rufus

This is actually one of my B+Bs at the moment, not difficult and easiest when outside of the corner. Rufus' j.HK hits twice but as far as damage scaling goes, only counts as 1 move (hence the silly damage). If you add any more moves before the 4th tag (in an attempt to get more damage) you won't build the 4th bar.

[Julia] HK-DP (though MK is more effective for slightly less damage) xx tag [Rufus] j.HK, st.HP xx HP-snake strike xx tag [Julia] j.HK, cr.HP xx HK-DP xx tag [Rufus] j.HK, st.HP xx HP-snake strike xx tag [Julia] j.HK, frwd+HP, st.HP xx hcb+HP

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