Sunday, 19 June 2011


Full Transcript...

1. (vs Boxer) j. HK, cr. MP, st. MK xx EX-Fireball xx FADC, Lv2 FA, L-slash, ultra 2

2. (vs Guile) j. HK, cr. MP, st. MP, st. MK xx L-Fireball xx FADC, cr. MP, st. MP, st. MK xx H-Dragonpunch FADC, L-Groundpound

3. (vs Rufus) Lv3 FA, EX-Slash, EX-Fireball, EX-Hurricane, Ultra 2

4. (vs DeeJay) Charged L-fireball, j. L-dash xx j. H-Hurricane, EX-fireball, Ultra 2

5. (vs Deejay) Lv.3 FA, L-Slash, EX-Dragonpunch xx FADC xx ultra 2

6. (vs Boxer) Counter-Hit EX-Slash, j. L-dash xx j. EX-Hurricane *land* j. Ultra 1

7. (vs Sagat) j. HK, j. M-dash

8. (vs Claw) j. H-hurricane, j. M-dash

9. (vs Claw) j. HK, cr. HP xx L-slash xx FADC, cr. MP, cr. HP xx L-slash xx FADC, cr. MP, cr. HP xx L-Hurricane -STUN- [M-dragonx3] Charged L-fireball, EX-Slash, fwd+HK

10. (vs Abel) j. HK, cr. LP, st. MP, st. MP, (target Combo) st. MP-HP xx L-fireball xx FADC, cr. LP, st. MP, st. MP, (target Combo) st. MP-HP xx M-Hurricane xx FADC, Lv.2 FA, Ultra 1

11. (Incredible Hulk!) CHarged L-fireball, st. MK xx EX-fireball, st. LP xx EX-fireball, st. LP xx EX-fireball, st. LP xx EX-fireball, st. LK xx H-Hurricane, Ultra 1 (kkk)

12. (vs Boxer) j. HP, st. MP xx EX-fireball, st. LP, st. MP xx EX-fireball, st. LP, cr. MP xx EX-Hurricane, H-Hurricane, EX-Hurricane

13. (vs Sim) j. HP, cr. HP xx L-Slash xx FADC, cr. HP xx L-Slash xx FADC, cr. HP xx L-Groundpound -STUN- [L-Dragonpunch, j. H-Hurricane, L-Dragonpunch] Lv3. FA, cr. LP, st. MP, cr. LP, st. MK xx EX-fireball, st. LP, st. HK

Music: Akuma/SFIV Remix by desk


  1. On Combo 13 the transcript should say "st. MK" before the fireball. (Don't know why I felt like this was worth mentioning)
    Great vid!

  2. nice vid!
    Thank you for uploading!

  3. Combos are sick man.I wonder what will happen if you was able to just get a Demo Street Fighter X Tekken?

  4. Wow, sweet use of the air ultra fireball:}

  5. thanks for sharing, you are the man!

  6. Also, I'm sure you know that all of the times you listed Stand MP, it's actually Back+MP. He has 3 different normals for stand MP.

  7. combo 5? are you sure ? FA3, l-slash, Ex-DP ? possible to link this ?
