Saturday, 16 April 2011

First Post!

Not my words Carol, the words of 'Play' magazine.

Thought I'd kick things off by pimping an interview I did for the latest issue of UK PS3 magazine 'Play' (They're the guys who recently had the sick SFxT coverage and interview with Ono san from Captivate).

Subjects include, why I'm named after furniture, entering tournaments, combovideos, my band and me accidentally calling out Sirlin. You should be able to find it in your newsagents today (it's issue 204).


  1. Cool man, excited to see what you post on this blog in the future!

  2. Nice work on getting the blog started Shelf. Looking forward to reading and viewing future posts. =]

    ~ Ali X

  3. Whoa, is that an Alan Partridge reference I see there? Good stuff! And it's nice to see your skills getting some semi-main stream acknowledgement. Keep up the good work!

  4. Good for you! Will definitely be reading this. How did you accidentally call out Sirlin?

  5. Cool 1st post.

    Just something to add about the picture. It's actually for the mag guys...

    There's no Q&A department... It should be QA department. Thinking someone should fix that typo before it's too late...

  6. @Elijah haha, thought it'd be a little while before anyone called the Partridge reference:)

    @Gorndt Maybe I'm making that sound more hype than it is. I just did the interview a while ago and forgot I'd said it.

    I ended up doing a bit of play testing on HDR before release, found stuff but wasn't credited. I'm not even bitter but the interview makes it sound like I am, haha.

  7. Can't say I like that phrase, I work in QA (not Capcom's QA though for the record) and stuff is found all the time that doesn't get fixed by release :/

  8. Partridge man, top gear magazine, is he still drivin that renault megan?

    Desk, where can I buy your music?

  9. hey desk quick question is it true youre from scotland bro

  10. Ah, damnit. I don't have access to the magazine atm.
    Is there any way I could read the full article otherwise?

  11. @Hendrix He's from Newcastle, northern England if you don't know.

  12. @Desk I'm having trouble finding the article online can you post a link ?

  13. Its too bad i live in the US i would like to read this article.

  14. i'm so late! ;(, but happy of have found this blog, i'm begginer . < hue br =] yes i'm keep trying following your steps bitch wow!
